African Food and Art

Thank you to our latest donor, Tony. Thank you, Tony. We were able to purchase three new stainless steel pots to continue our cooking and teaching heritage.

Accept Your Body African Proverbs

Accept your body African proverb lesson is similar to the sculpture Bronskvinnorna or The Women of Bronze in Växjö, Sweden. The sculpture is a visual of body dysmorphic disorder. Body dysmorphia is when you have a distorted body image of any part of your body, and you see yourself as ugly or disfigured obsessing over your appearance.

Accept your body African proverbs teach life is good at any weight 

The Bronskvinnorna sculpture was the reaction from the artist to the accelerating body weight fixation of our time. Fat non-acceptance, muscular women, underweight men and women all can fall under the body dysmorphia disorder. 

However, this sculpture reminds us, along with African proverbs of body acceptance and being proud of ourselves ant anny weight. Body acceptance, African proverbs, teach all people have equal value.

Many of us go through life feeling less than loving toward our own bodies. We believe we are not attractive enough, flawed in one way or another.

Learning to accept, appreciate, and even love every aspect of our bodies African proverbs teach us we are free to enjoy richer, more intimate relationships when we first love ourselves.

Bronskvinnorna or The Women of Bronze sculpture.

Accept Your Body African Proverbs

You will then learn your measure, when you spend a night with yourself.

Look at a person’s deeds, not whether they are tall or short.

One can be kept well by a hundred, not a hundred by one.

Who dies inside has lost.

The load that the mule will not carry, you yourself should not carry.

Although there are many roads, there is only one that is the straightest.

The thorn which is sharp is so from its youth.

A person’s values are not nullified by passing storms.

Who today is humiliated easily, tomorrow will be lost.

As pus inflames the finger, negative thought inflames the mind. African Proverb.

Fear and shame are father and son.

Until one dies, others will not be satisfied.

A small fire destroys a big forest.

A bird hanging between two branches will get pain on both wings.

A light heart lives long.

A calabash is first cleaned from the inside.

Everything would be right if it were not for the buts.

A house can’t be built for the rainy season that is past.

A full cup is hard to carry.

As pus inflames the finger, negative thoughts inflames the mind.

In everyday life, African proverbs inspire with ancient words of wisdom to accept iur bodies and ourselves from the inside out.

  1. African Proverbs Are Often Difficult To Understand
  2. Mean Coworkers African Proverbs
  3. Proverbs are the official language of the African Nation
  4. Monday Morning African Proverb Quotes
  5. Prepare the Mind for Elevation

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