
Showing posts from April, 2009

African Food and Art

Thank you to our latest donor, Esther. Thank you, Esther. We were able to purchase a new cutting board.

Eco-friendly kitchen begins with organization

Don't feel overwhelmed making your eco-friendly kitchen, feel happy. Eco-friendly kitchens make the earth happy too. Eco-friendly equals earth-friendly not injuring the worlds environment, recipes for a natural eco friendly kitchen are simple. Growing breadfruit Go green and become an environmentally responsible household. Eco-friendly kitchens begin with eating organically homegrown produce. Create a culture of environmental responsibility beginning with your kitchen. The food you carry into your home is just as important as the appliances you prepare your meals with, so whenever possible grow your own food. Eco-friendly kitchens begin with eating organically homegrown produce. Create a culture of environmental responsibility beginning with your kitchen. Organic vegetables are not hard to grow. Hearty plants such as okra, sweet potatoes, and pole beans grow rapidly. Lettuce is also simple to plant and goes from seed to plate within a few short weeks. Consider t

You and Africa Have More in Common Than You Think

African and Southern American cooking are uniquely tied by food, culture and history.  The culture of African and Southern American cooking are also similar in the manner in which recipes are passed down from generation to generation. Africa's Influence On Southern USA Cooking Explore and Understand Africa Through Her Food and Culture Slaves from Africa in the South represented about 33 percent of the total southern population. The population of the Southern United States is made up of many different people from the African continent. In 1619, the Dutch introduced the first 20 captured Africans to America by way of Jamestown Virginia.  In the 17th and 18th centuries, black slaves worked mainly on the tobacco, rice and indigo plantations of the Southern coast. Between 1774 and 1804, the northern states abolished slavery, but the so-called peculiar institution remained vital to the South.  Slaves in the South represented about 1/3 of the total southern population. The vast major

Interesting facts about Senegal

Senegal in Africa Interesting fact number one about Senegal, it has a population of over 13 million ranking 69th on the world’s most populous countries. Interesting facts about Senegal Explore and understand Africa through her food and culture The population of Senegal is 14,668,522 by July 2017 estimates 1. Senegal is located in Western Africa, bordering the North Atlantic Ocean, between Guinea-Bissau and Mauritania. Women stopping to chat in Velingara Senegal 2. It is slightly smaller than South Dakota. 3. Senegal has a population of over 13 million ranking 69th on the world’s most populous countries. 4. Senegal's nationality is Senegalese using both the singular and plural form. 5. Senegal's capital is Dakar which was home to the Dakar Off-Road Rally until 2009 when the race moved to South Africa. 6. There are 11 regions in Senegal comparable in function to county seats, Dakar, Diourbel, Fatick, Kaola

West African Fried Peanut Onion Fritters

West African Fried Peanut Onion Fritters African recipes by African Gourmet Discover our delicious warm and crisp West African Fried Peanut Onion Fritter recipe to serve as a snack or appetizer at your next party. Prep time: 20 min Cook time: 30 min Total time: 50 min   Ingredients: 1 cup all-purpose flour ¼ cup chopped shelled peanuts 3 tablespoons creamy peanut butter 1 large egg ¼ teaspoon baking soda ¼ teaspoon baking powder 1 teaspoon onion powder 1 small onion, finely chopped 1 teaspoon cayenne pepper 1 teaspoon salt ¼ cup water Oil for frying Directions: Mix all ingredients well, drop 1 tablespoon at a time of the mixture into hot oil and fry until golden brown 2-3 minutes. Drain on paper towels. Serve as a snack or appetizer. West African Fried Peanut Onion Fritters

Spicy Ostrich Stew

What does Ostrich meat taste like? Ostrich meat tastes like a lean cut of beef. Ostrich Meat is a red meat low in fat and is used in any recipe using red meat. Ostrich meat is used for frying, stewing, sautéing or in any of dish as a substitute for beef. Ostrich meat is very lean with very low-fat content and is a healthier red meat. Spicy Ostrich Stew Recipe  South African Food Yield 6-8 servings Ingredients: 4 cloves garlic crushed 2 cups peeled yam cut into 1 ″ cubes 3 cups fresh green beans 1 ½ pounds cleaned ostrich 1 teaspoon lemon juice 1 medium onion, sliced 2 teaspoons coriander 2 tablespoons red pepper flake 2 cups beef stock 1 cup whole stewed tomatoes Salt and pepper to taste Directions In a large pot on medium heat, add oil then sauté garlic one minute. Add remaining ingredients. Simmer covered for 30 minutes. Serve warm. [Read: All About Food of North Africa ] About the African Ostrich The ostrich eats the food of both plant and animal origin, is nat

Papaya Seed Tea Recipe

The black seeds in the center of papayas are edible and have a peppery taste making a unique African Wedza Papaya Seed Tea recipe . Papaya Seed Tea Recipe Papaya Seeds are usually thrown away but these little black seeds make the best teas. Papaya is a tropical fruit crop in Kenya, South Africa, Côte d’Ivoire , Uganda, and Zimbabwe. It is grown widely both as a commercial crop and in small gardens where it is an important source of nutrition and income. Papaya seeds have traditionally been used as a natural remedy for digestive issues. They contain an enzyme called papain, which aids in the breakdown of proteins and supports digestion. The fiber content in the seeds can also help promote regular bowel movements and prevent constipation. Papayas are large oblong shaped tropical fruits with thin skin that are golden yellow when they are ripe and ready to eat. The fruit will be slightly soft to the touch and ripe papayas can be yellow, orange, pink or red, depending on the va

Popular Anansi West African Folktale

Popular Anansi West African Folktale Anansi is a popular spider character in West African Akan folktales. Read with your child and share wonderful popular African folktales. Popular Anansi Folktale One Good Meal Deserves Another Anansi the Spider hated to share! When Turtle came to his house at mealtime, he said, "I can't give you food until you've washed your dusty feet!" Turtle licked his lips when he saw the big plate of steaming food but politely walked to the stream to wash. When he returned, the plate was empty. "Good meal," Anansi said, patting his full stomach. "One good meal deserves another!" said Turtle.   "Come to my house for dinner tomorrow."   Turtle fixed a fine dinner at the bottom of the river. "Come on down and eat!" he said. Anansi filled his jacket pockets with stones so that he would be weighted down enough to stay at the river's bottom and eat.  "It's impolite to wear a jacket to dinner!&

How to Eat Fufu

How to Eat Fufu African Food For many Africans, stew and fufu is a classic meal similar to soup and crackers in the US. How to Eat Fufu Explore and Understand Africa Through Her Food and Culture FuFu is a staple food of Africa Conventional West African fufu is made by boiling starchy foods as cassava, yam, plantain, or rice, then pounding them into a gummy mass.  Fufu is a staple food in Western and Central Africa and is what mashed potatoes are to traditional American cooking. For many Africans, stew and fufu is a classic meal similar to soup and crackers in the US. Cocoyam fufu flour is specialty flour specifically formulated to produce instant fufu. Fufu can be prepared using different basic food materials.  Fufu is a staple food to Western and Central Africa and is what mashed potatoes are to traditional American cooking.  It can be made using cassava, African yams, potatoes, cornmeal, plantains, Rice, and Millet. It reminds me of an unfilled d

Dinka and Nuer Tribes of South Sudan

Sudan was the largest country in Africa until 2011 when Sudan and South Sudan became two separate countries. The Dinka are one of the largest ethnic groups in the Republic of Sudan. Dinka and Nuer Tribes of Sudan Explore and Understand Africa Through Her Food and Culture Whether Nuer or Dinka, traditionally the focus for Sudanese people has been a nomadic community, the small communities are made up of extended families based on lineage of male relatives and ancestors. The members of a lineage act in the group's interest, safeguarding territory or forming important ties with other families by marriage. Usually, a family leader is a respected elder. Overview of South Sudan Dinka and Nuer Tribes Sudan lies wholly within the tropics, and with the exception of the Sudd region in the south, and some hilly districts towards its western and eastern extremities, constitute one vast plain. The extreme north is Saharan in its heat and aridity, but below this, a central belt

Pop Culture and Swahili words used by Disney, Lionel Richie, and Star Trek

Pop Culture and Swahili words used by Disney, Lionel Richie, and Star Trek Swahili is spoken in the African countries of Tanzania, Burundi, Kenya, Mozambique, Somalia, Uganda, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Rwanda. Swahili is also one of the official languages of Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. About 35 percent of the Swahili vocabulary derives from the Arabic language. Lionel Richie Pop Culture Quiz Swahili words used by Disney, Lionel Richie, and Star Trek Disney's animated film The Lion King contains several Swahili references. Simba, the main character's name, means lion, Rafiki means friend, Sarabi means mirage and Pumbaa means foolish. Gene Roddenberry took the name of Lieutenant Uhura in Star Trek from the Swahili word uhuru meaning freedom. Do you remember Lionel Richie’s 1983 hit song All Night Long? The line “We're going to, party Karamu, fiesta, forever, come on and sing along; Karamu means party in Swahili.  The game Jenga is derived from the Sw

Ngai Supreme God of the Gikuyu of Kenya

Origin of Kenyan Gikuyu Tribe Legend, Gikuyu Facts, explanation of Ngai Belief System. The Gikuyu people traditionally follow a belief system known as Ngai, which refers to a supreme being or God. They believed in ancestral spirits and practiced various rituals and ceremonies to communicate with the spiritual realm. The Gikuyu people have a deep-rooted spiritual belief system that is centered around their relationship with a supreme being or God known as Ngai. Ngai is considered the creator and sustainer of all things and is believed to reside on Mount Kenya, which is considered a sacred place by the Gikuyu people. The Gikuyu people believe that Ngai has the power to influence their lives and the natural world around them. They see Ngai as the provider of rain, fertility, and blessings and offer prayers and sacrifices to seek Ngai's favor and protection. Ancestral spirits also hold a significant place in Gikuyu spirituality. The Gikuyu believe that their ancestors continue to exist

North African and Indian South African Ghee Recipe

North African and Indian South African Ghee Recipe Clarified Butter, Ghee Recipe Ghee is a clarified butter without any solid milk particles or water. Ghee is used in daily cooking throughout South Africa, Algeria, Egypt, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya (Libya), Morocco, Sudan, and Tunisia. Our Ghee recipe enriches the flavors of both sweet and savory North African and Indian South African foods. Explore and Understand Africa Through Her Food and Culture 4-18-2009 Ghee can be used in place of butter and is perfect for use as a cooking oil. North and South African Ghee African recipes by African Gourmet Ghee is a traditional North African and Southern African preparation of clarified butter Prep time: 5 min Cook time: 10 min Total time: 15 min   Yield about 1 ½ cups Ingredients 2 cups unsalted butter Directions Melt the butter in a saucepan over medium-high heat and bring to boil, stirring constantly.

Nile Delta Rich Farmland in Egypt

Egypt’s Nile Valley and Delta occupy about 4 percent of the countries land. Most of the cultivated land is located close to the banks of the Nile River. Egypt rests on the African continent in Northern Africa, bordering the Mediterranean Sea, between Libya and the Gaza Strip, and the Red Sea north of Sudan, and includes the Asian Sinai Peninsula. The civilization of ancient Egypt was indebted to the Nile River and its dependable seasonal flooding. The river's predictability and fertile soil allowed the Egyptians to build an empire on the basis of great agricultural wealth. The Nile River brought silt that naturally fertilized the Delta valley. Egyptians are credited as being one of the first groups of people to practice agriculture on a large scale. This was possible because of the ingenuity of the Egyptians as they developed basin irrigation. Over 2,000 different species of flowering or aromatic plants have been found in tombs. The Nile Valley is home to the Valley of the Kin

Mara Region of Tanzania Tribes and Cattle Wars

Mara region was born shortly after African independence. Mara region is the northernmost region of Tanzania. Mara region is where there are more than twelve ethnic groups with aggressive cultures and customs, cattle rustling is a common destructive practice that occurs regularly.  The practice is often fatal, destructive and distributes poverty to victimized families. The dominant ethnic groups of the Mara region are the Wakurya, Wajaluo and Wajita.  The Mara region’s tribal group picture is also characterized by many very small tribes such as the Wazanaki, Wasuba, Waikizu, Waisenye, Waikoma, Wangoreme, Wakwaya, Waluli, and Washashi. Mara Region of Tanzania suffers bloodshed and violence, learn about boarders, parks, wild animals, cattle rustling, and warring Mara tribes. Mara region was born shortly after African independence. It was created along with Mwanza and Kagera from what was then Lake Pro

History of Egusi Melon Seed Plants

The ancient wild egusi melon is grown in Africa and is a bitter tasting vegetable with hard light green flesh loved for its seeds. Wild watermelon egusi seeds are a fat and protein-rich seeds of the cucurbitaceous plant. The seeds are used in preparing egusi soup, a kind of soup thickened with the ground egusi seeds cooked with water, oil and typically containing vegetables, seasonings and meat. Egusi stew is popular in many West and Central African countries. Egusi Melon Seeds In Africa Colocynthis citrullus or egusi melon is classified as a vegetable and part of the cucumber family. Most kinds of egusi melons are grown for their seeds, not for the flesh. Bitter egusi melon is an indigenous crop and originates in southern Africa and occurs naturally in South Africa, Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Zambia and Malawi. Egusi seeds are frequently added to soups and stews. As a member of the gourd family, egusi melon can grow just anywhere, from humid gullies, to dry sa