African Food and Art

Thank you to our latest donor, Esther. Thank you, Esther. We were able to purchase a new cutting board.

Light African Dessert Walnuts Honey and Figs

Light African Dessert Walnuts Honey and Figs

North African Dessert Walnuts Honey and Figs 

Light sweet African dessert of walnuts, honey and figs are a delightful way to amaze your guests and are so delicious you will serve this easy fig walnut recipe at every party.


Light African Dessert Walnuts Honey and Figs


5 large dried figs

5 whole walnuts 

3 tablespoon honey


Cut open fig lengthwise and place the whole walnut inside. Close the fig and drizzle honey on top. Sprinkle with crushed walnuts and enjoy!

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