
Showing posts from December, 2012

African Food and Art

Thank you to our latest donor, Esther. Thank you, Esther. We were able to purchase a new cutting board.

Wonderful Child African Folktale

Wonderful Child is a delightful African folktale. Folktales reflect the morals, superstitions and customs of the African people.  The Wonderful Child African Folktale A man had two wives named Kengi and Gunga. One day he called them to him, and said that he was going to a nearby town to buy salt, and so might be away some time. He left them both well. Sometime after he had gone, Kengi became heavy with child. And Gunga asked her how it was that she was in that condition. "It is true," said Kengi, "that I am with child; but never you mind. When the child is born, you will see that it is his." "How can it be, when he has been gone so long?" said Gunga. Now when the child was born, it carried with it a handful of hair. And all the people marveled. Then the child spoke, and said: "This is the work of God." And the people ran away, they were so much afraid. And when the child grew up, he went into the woods to hunt elephants. And all this time

Horn of Plenty African Folktale

Horn of plenty is a charming African folktale. Children enjoy listening to many types of African folktales learning from the wisdom and rich tradition of African storytelling.  The Horn of Plenty African Folktale At the entrance to a village, a brown-skinned boy sat watching the sunset. He was thin and small, and he had been crying. Out on the savannah the other children were laughing and shouting, but he did not join in their play, for his heart was sore. He had had no supper, and the women of the village were all so busy looking after their own children that they had forgotten him. The boy's mother died when he was a babe, and ever since he had been driven from one hut to another. His father was out all day hunting and snaring birds, and when he came back at sundown seldom spoke to his little son. That day one of the women beat him because the load of firewood which he brought back was small, and his heart was hot with anger. "I will go away and never come back,"

Lightly Sweetened Cocoa Tea Biscuits

African food is a fusion of many different nations. One influence over the centuries is that of the European colonialists. As legend has it, Anna Maria Russell, the seventh Duchess of Bedford is said to have made afternoon tea time a fashionable practice when she complained of "having that sinking feeling" during the late afternoons. From this time on, a pot of tea and a light snack in the middle of the afternoon became a part of European traditions. One very popular light snack is that of the lightly sweetened cocoa tea biscuit or cookie. Lightly Sweetened Cocoa Tea Biscuits Ingredients 2 cups sifted all-purpose flour 3 teaspoon baking powder ½ teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons sugar 4 tablespoons of powdered cocoa 2 tablespoons of lard 2/3 a cup of milk or enough to make a firm but not a stiff dough Directions Sift all the dry ingredients together, rub in lard with the tips of the fingers. Stir in the required amount of milk. Tu

Green Plantain Sweet Porridge

Cooking with plantains is easy Green Plantain Porridge Green Plantain Sweet Porridge Plantains look similar to bananas, but plantains are bigger, have a different taste, and texture. However, plantains and banana's do have one thing in common, as the plantain ripens, it becomes sweeter and its color changes from green to yellow to black, just like bananas. Green Plantains are sold in the fresh produce section of most supermarkets.  Ingredients 3 green plantains ¼ cup all-purpose flour ¼ cup whole milk ½ cup sweetened condensed milk ¼ cup of raw sugar       ¼ teaspoon salt ¼ teaspoon ground nutmeg ¼ teaspoon ground cinnamon 5 cups of water Directions Cut off the tips of each plantain and make an incision along the whole length of the banana. Slowly slide your thumb along the incision and remove the skin. Chop the plantain place into a blender. Add flour and ½ cup water blend for 2 minutes until smooth (add more water if ne

Simple African Peanut Soup Recipe

Easy African food recipe to make tonight and have again for leftovers tomorrow. Serve with rice or warm bread.< /p> African Peanut Soup Recipe African Peanut Soup Recipe is a delightful combination of tomatoes, onion, peanut butter, and chicken that make for a perfect African soup, everyone around the world will enjoy. Prep Time 20 minutes Cook Time 30 minutes Total Time 50 minutes Ingredients 2 tablespoons palm oil 2 filleted chicken breasts optional 4 cups vegetable stock 1 medium onion, chopped 1 large bell pepper finely chopped 1 teaspoon minced garlic 16 oz can crushed tomatoes 1 tablespoon red pepper flake 1/4 teaspoon ground cumin 1/4 teaspoon ground ginger 1/8 teaspoon ground cloves 1/4 teaspoon ground cardamom 1/3 cup creamy peanut butter 1/4 cup uncooked brown rice Directions Heat oil in a large pot over medium heat. Sauté onions, bell pepper and garlic about 3 minutes. Add chicken, tomatoes, vegetable stock, peanut butter, and spices. Redu

Nigerian Pepper Water Stew Recipe

Pepper water stew is a combination of hot and delicious chili peppers, onions and two different kinds of meat. There is not much to making pepper water stew, this is why the recipe is popular inside and outside of Nigeria. Nigerian Pepper Water Stew is hot but there is nothing to stop you from adjusting the heat to suit your taste. Nigerian food is delicious with recipes full of flavor and spice lovingly prepared by Nigerian families for generations. Simple Nigerian Pepper Water Stew Recipe Ingredients 3 pounds of dark meat chicken 1 pound veal cut into small chunks 6 cups of water 2 chopped onions 3 large diced tomatoes 1 tablespoon butter 1 teaspoon ground cloves 1 stalk celery chopped 1 large tomato diced 1 tablespoon curry powder 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon red pepper 1 hot pepper sliced Juice of one lemon Directions In a large pot add all ingredients. Simmer together slowly until the veal is tender 1 hour. Serve with rice.