
Showing posts from November, 2013

African Food and Art

Thank you to our latest donor, Esther. Thank you, Esther. We were able to purchase a new cutting board.

Egyptian Pomegranate Sauce Recipe

Pomegranate sauce is delicious as a gravy for grilled lamb, pork or chicken. Egyptian Pomegranate Sauce Recipe From September to December, Egypt grows and harvests the ancient Pomegranate crop. The two most cultivated pomegranate varieties exporting from Egypt are Baladi and Wonderful Pomegranates. Pomegranates are a good source of two essential vitamins, C and K. The pomegranate is widely cultivated in Northern and tropical areas of Africa. A pomegranate was found in the tomb of a servant of Queen Hatshepsut in Egypt. Queen Hatshepsut was Egypt's first female pharaoh. When selecting a pomegranate choose one heavy for its size. The fruit has a thick leathery skin and ranges in size from an orange to a grapefruit. The color and external blemishes of the pomegranate are no indication of the quality of the fruit. The red arils (seed) is the edible part of the pomegranate, the entire seed is consumed raw by chewing the juice from the seeds. Pomegranate seeds are a good sour

Three Facts About The Endangered African Penguin

Three Facts About African Penguins Living up to 20 years African penguins are flightless marine birds coming in a variety of sizes and colors. Growing to be about 26.5 to 27.5 inches tall and weighing between 4.4 and 11 pounds the endangered African Penguin lives on the Southern coast of Africa. African penguins breed from Hollams Bird Island Namibia to Bird Island Algoa Bay in South Africa. Gansbaai South Africa Dyer Island is a protected bird sanctuary home to large colonies of threatened African Penguins. Three Facts About African Penguins Fact 1 The African penguin, or black-footed penguin, is also nicknamed the jackass penguin because it’s mating call sounds like a whinnying donkey. They spend their days at sea feeding and their nights gathered together on shore. Like all penguins, African penguins are much more agile in water than on land swimming up to 12 miles per hour. Each penguin eats about one pound of fish per day feeding on small fish such as sardines and a

The cocoa supply chain in Ghana key actors and challenges

The cocoa supply chain in Ghana key actors and challenges Farmers in Africa grow 70 percent of the world’s cocoa and Singapore's Olam International Limited is a major player in the global cocoa business. Drying cocoa beans in the sun in Ghana Olam processing Cocoa farming is an important industry in Ghana, one of the largest cocoa-producing countries in the world. The country has a long history of cocoa cultivation, with the crop playing a significant role in the country's economy and culture. Cocoa farming in Ghana is predominantly carried out by small-scale farmers who cultivate the crop on small plots of land. These farmers typically use traditional farming methods, including hand pruning and harvesting, and rely on family labor and a limited amount of hired labor. Cocoa trees are often intercropped with other crops, such as plantains or maize, which can help provide additional income and food security for farmers. The cocoa supply chain in Ghana is complex, with mu