
Showing posts from February, 2014

African Food and Art

Thank you to our latest donor, Esther. Thank you, Esther. We were able to purchase a new cutting board.

Malva Pudding a Traditional South African Dessert

Malva Pudding is not only a traditional South African dessert but also a sweet warm cake-like dessert that was loved by Nelson Mandela. Malva pudding is scooped into bowl and topped with whipped cream or vanilla ice cream. A vegetarian version can be made by replacing eggs with condensed milk. Malva Pudding  Malva Pudding a Traditional South African Dessert Ingredients 1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour 3/4 cup brown sugar 2 large eggs 2 tablespoons apricot jam 1 teaspoon baking soda A small pinch of salt 2 tablespoons unsalted butter 1 teaspoon vinegar 3/4 cup whole milk 1 teaspoon vanilla extract Directions Cream eggs and sugar add jam mix well. Sieve flour, soda, and salt. Add melted butter, vinegar, vanilla and milk to the egg mixture alternately with the flour. Bake in an ovenproof dish at 350°f 45 minutes. Malva pudding is scooped into a bowl and topped with whipped cream or vanilla ice cream. More

Xenophobia: One person’s truth is another person’s lie

Xenophobia in South Africa Xenophobia describes an intense fear or dislike of people from other countries or cultures. It can manifest in different forms, including prejudice, discrimination, and violence towards individuals or groups who are perceived as different.  Xenophobia can arise from a variety of factors, such as economic competition, cultural differences, and historical tensions between different nations or ethnic groups. It can also be reinforced by negative stereotypes and misinformation about other cultures, as well as by political and social structures that promote nationalism and exclusion.  Eliminating xenophobia involves promoting cultural diversity and understanding, as well as challenging negative stereotypes and misinformation about other cultures. It also involves creating social and political structures that promote inclusion and respect for all individuals, regardless of their background.  By working towards a more inclusive and tolerant society, we can reduce t

Umsila Wenkomo Oxtail Stew Slow Cooker Recipe

Umsila Wenkomo Oxtail Stew Slow Cooker Recipe Umsila Wenkomo means Oxtail Stew in the Xhosa African language. Xhosa is one of the official languages of South Africa. Nelson Mandela was of the Xhosa people and Umsila Wenkomo or Oxtail Stew was one of his favorite meals. Umsila Wenkomo Oxtail Stew   Slow Cooker African Oxtail Stew Ingredients 4 pounds oxtails 2 cups beef broth or stock 2 cups baby carrots 4 medium potatoes unpeeled and quartered 1 hot pepper 1 tablespoon crushed garlic 2 bay leaves 1 teaspoon brown sugar Salt and pepper to taste Directions Add all ingredients except for meat in a large slow cooker and mix well, add meat and simmer on low for 9-10 hours or high 6-7 hours. Serve with white rice. Why are oxtails an expensive cut of meat? They are not really expensive, its all about trendy supply and demand. Oxtails are the tail of cattle. Oxtails were not always expensive, years ago they were inexpensive. Oxtail is a more recent example of cooking shows using le

Three Modern African Fiction Must Reads

Three Modern African Fiction Must Reads Many times people ask me, what is a good fictional book to read on Africa?  Walking into a bookstore or browsing online, you are immediately hit with the notion that there are millions of books, what is a truly good read? The African Gourmet top three modern African fiction must read are Someone Knows My Name by Lawrence Hill, Ghana Must Go by Taiye Selasi and The Memory of Love by Aminatta Forna. Overall, I happily invest three hours a day reading.  I read to understand things I have never been exposed to by grace. Below is a short list of the books that inspired me to learn, grow, and laugh and to be motivated. Please share books you love in the comments section below. Someone Knows My Name by Lawrence Hill Kidnapped from Africa as a child, Aminata Diallo is enslaved in South Carolina but escapes during the chaos of the Revolutionary War. In Manhattan, sh

What is coming does not beat a drum

What is coming does not beat a drum What is coming does not beat a drum African Proverb What is coming does not beat a drum - Malawi Proverb What is coming does not beat a drum means danger doesn't announce itself with trumpets. This African Proverb is meant to warn that dangerous situations are not announced publicly in advance. By engaging in selfish behavior such as corruption, politicians are effectively subjecting themselves and their country to an ill-fated future. In Malawi, the country’s economic performance has historically been constrained by policy inconsistency, poor infrastructure, and rampant corruption. About Malawi the warm heart of Africa Malawi 1.           In the year 1480, Bantu tribes unite several smaller political states to form the Maravi Confederacy that at its height includes large parts of present-day Zambia and Mozambique plus the modern state of Malawi. 2.           In 1891, present day Malawi was sectioned

Nelson Mandela Sweet Chicken Recipe

Sweet Chicken Nelson Mandela's personal chef says he was not a picky eater, he liked traditional down-home food. One of Nelson Mandela's favorite meals was Sweet Chicken. Cooking easy meals like Sweet Chicken satisfied Nelson Mandela and will satisfy the entire family at dinner time. Xoliswa Ndoyiya in her new book Ukutya Kwasekhaya: Tastes from Nelson Mandela's Kitchen says Sweet Chicken was one of President Nelson Mandela's favorite meals. Xoliswa Ndoyiya started cooking for him two years before he became president, which is over 22 years of cooking meals like Sweet Chicken. Below is our take on one of Nelson Mandela's beloved dishes, Sweet Chicken.   Nelson Mandela Sweet Chicken Recipe   Ingredients 2 skinless chicken breasts 1 tablespoon olive oil 1 cup chicken broth 2 tablespoons curry powder 1 teaspoon cayenne pepper 1 chicken bouillon cube spice 1 cup any sweet marmalade or jam 1 cup nonfat Greek yogurt Salt and pepper to taste   Direction

Fatherly Love African Proverbs

African proverbs on the importance of fathers. One good father is worth a hundred teachers; fatherly love is the greatest gift given to a child. Fatherly Love African Proverbs. African proverbs, fatherly love is the greatest gift given to a child.  Fatherly love African proverbs teach us love holds a child tight, supports the soul and teaches how to love the world in return. African proverbs on the importance of fathers in a child’s emotional and social development set the stage for the path followed by the child later in life. When you follow in the path of your father, you learn to walk like him. - African Proverb Hold a child with both hands. - African Proverb Learning expands great souls. - African Proverb If a child washes his hands he could eat with kings. ∽ African Proverb Sticks in a bundle are unbreakable. - African Proverb Nobody is born wise. - African proverb A person is a person because of other persons - African Proverb Ten additional fatherly love quotes an

Nakupenda means Love in Swahili

In the Swahili language, the word Nakupenda means you are in love. Nakupenda is pronounced just as its spelled Na-ku-pen-da. Swahili is a relatively simple language to learn, mostly because words are pronounced as they are written. Hakuna matata is the most popular quote and means no worries. The phrase gained international recognition after it was used in the animated movie The Lion King.      Learn the Swahili language of love English Language Swahili Language Desire Hamu Want Unataka Passion Shauku I’m Sorry Samahani I Love You Ninakupenda Appreciation Shukrani Devotion Ibada Emotion Hisia Fondness Upendo Friendship Urafiki Infatuation

A child carried on its mothers back does not know the walk is long

Family Igbo African Proverb According to an ancient African proverb of the Igbo People, a child being carried on its mother's back is oblivious to the length of the journey they are undertaking. This proverb highlights the idea that when we are supported and protected, we are less likely to be aware of the difficulties that lie ahead. In Igbo culture, the family's kinship systems hold significant importance, emphasizing the descent on the father's side. This means that lineage and inheritance are primarily traced through the father's family tree. This patrilineal system is deeply rooted in Igbo traditions and affects various aspects of social and cultural life, including marriage, naming ceremonies, and other forms of social recognition. The Igbo people believe that maintaining strong ties with their paternal ancestry is crucial in preserving their cultural identity and passing it down to future generations. About Igbo people The Igbo culture originated around the

Yam Porridge Recipe

Igbo New Yam Festival or iri ji ohuru is the celebration of yams with dancing, music and every imaginable dish made with yams.   Yam Porridge recipe is a delicious yam porridge recipe, this West African recipe is easy to make, just use canned yams. Yam Porridge Recipe Perfect yam cereal porridge for a delicious way to start the day, from Tour of Africa. Yam tubers have an extraordinary cultural value to the Igbo culture.  Prep time: 10 min Cook time: 15 min Total time: 25 min Yam Porridge Recipe Ingredients 1 cup cooked white rice 1/2 cup can yams  2 cups whole milk Salt and sugar to taste Directions Add all ingredients to a large pot, simmer until thick 15 minutes. Serve warm as a cereal.  Did you know? Yam belt of Africa includes Nigeria, Ghana, Benin, Côte d'Ivoire, Central Africa, Cameroon and Togo. Nigeria alone produces 71% the yams in Africa. Yams are major sources of income to Africa who produces 96% of the world’s yams.

Four Types of African Shea Butter

There are four types of shea butter and unlimited shea butter uses.  African  shea butter is cream colored oil extracted from the nut of the African shea tree. Shea butter is made from the oil of the shea tree and has earned the nam woman's  gold in Africa because of its economic value to African women.   Women processing Shea nuts using traditional methods Of the estimated 600,000 tons of Shea nuts harvested in West Africa, about 350,000 tons are exported, mostly as raw nuts. Currently, 90% of Shea demand comes from the confectionery industry affording chocolate manufacturers an alternative to cocoa butter. Only 10% of Shea is currently used for cosmetics and pharmaceuticals. Shea butter is cream colored oil extracted from the nut of the African shea tree. Shea trees grow from Senegal to Uganda and have probably been used for thousands of years in food, skin balms, soaps and shampoos, traditional medicines and cooking and lamp oils. The use of Shea butter has been increasi

Your Old Phone Could End Up as e-Artwork

Your Old Phone Could End Up as e-Artwork Computer parts make beautiful arts and crafts material. Your old phone, CD’s or computer could end up as e-Artwork in the hands of an e-waste designer. Jewelry from waste computer and cell-phone parts Everyday Electronic Objects in Contemporary Art David Nderitu, a formerly homeless teen makes jewelry from waste computer and cell-phone parts. He manages to make 60 pairs of earrings from the scrap materials in about 15 days. David Nderitu according to Kenya's Daily Nation says his venture into the profit-making jewelry business can be attributed to motivational speakers who always visited the Children, Youth Empowerment Center in Nyeri County. The Children, Youth Empowerment Center provides educational and social services to former street-dwelling children of Kenya with the goal of teaching the children a trade that they can use to support th

Iconic Black Hairstyle Photographer

Legendary Black Hairstyle Photographer Black hair photographer Ojeikere was an internationally celebrated African black hair photographer. The natural hair revolution began with the legendary black hairstyle photographer Johnson Donatus Aihumekeokhai Ojeikere also known as J.D. 'Okhai Ojeikere born in Nigeria Africa in 1930.  Natural hair revolutionists power of black women began with African legendary black hairstyle photographer 'Okhai Ojeikere. He highlighted modern and traditional African perspectives of the art of hair design. Each African hairstyle had its own uniqueness giving a glimpse into the talented camera of a legendary  Nigerian  photographer.  Ojeikere was a black hair photographer who is known for his work with unique hairstyles found in Nigeria. Ojeikere was raised in a small town in rural southwestern Nigeria. The unique artistry of African hair has a long storied tradition He lived and worked in Lagos, Nigeria. At the age o