Zambian Bean and Cabbage Fritter Recipe
Zambian Bean and Cabbage Fritter Recipe
1 can soybeans washed and drained
2 cups cooked shredded cabbage
1 cup all-purpose flour
1 large egg
1 tablespoon onion powder
1 teaspoon salt
Vegetable oil for frying
Mix all ingredients well, roll into small size balls and fry until golden brown. Serve as a snack or appetizer.
Zambia did you know.
Under Zambian law, defaming the head of state is a criminal offense that carries a jail sentence of up to three years. Ex-president of Zambia Mr. Levy Mwanawasa who passed away August 19, 2008, was called a "cabbage" in The Zambian newspaper the post by Fred M'membe in February 2002. The term cabbage is another word for the term slow-witted.