How Many Lions Are Killed Every Year in Africa
Tourist hunters in Africa kill around 105,000 animals per year, including around 640 elephants, 3,800 buffalo, 600 lions, and 800 leopards. Cecil the lion Minnesota dentist Walter Palmer allegedly lured Cecil out of Hwange National Park which is a protective reserve in Zimbabwe; shot Cecil the lion with a bow, tracked Cecil for 20-40 hours, killed him then skinned and beheaded the 13-year-old lion pride master. Zimbabwe started extradition proceedings and hopes the U.S. will cooperate, said Oppah Muchinguri, the African nation's environment minister. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service are also investigating the circumstances of Cecil the lion's death. Cecil was collared and part of Oxford University conservation study, and after the kill the GPS tracking collar was destroyed. Palmer allegedly paid $50,000 to hunt the lion with a crossbow near Hwange National Park in western Zimbabwe. Zi...