
Showing posts from March, 2015

African Food and Art

Thank you to our latest donor, Esther. Thank you, Esther. We were able to purchase a new cutting board.

Teff Banana Nut Bread Recipe

Teff Banana Nut Bread Recipe   African recipes by African Gourmet  Teff flour is a finely ground whole grain flour popular in Ethiopian cooking. Our moist and delicious classic banana bread recipe made with teff is a unique tasting easy to make African recipe.  Prep time: 15 min  Cook time: 45  Total time: 1 hour Ingredients 2 cups teff flour 2 very ripe bananas ½ cup unsalted walnuts ½ cup of chopped dates 2 large eggs 1 cup of white sugar 1 stick unsalted butter ½ teaspoon salt ½ teaspoon of baking soda ½ teaspoon of baking powder 1 teaspoon vanilla extract ½ teaspoon ground cloves Directions Preheat the oven to 325 degrees. Cream butter and sugar, mix in eggs and bananas and add all dry ingredients to wet, including nuts and fruits, and mix well. Pour into 2 buttered and floured bread loaf pans and bake for 40-45 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean.  Teff grows mainly in the African countries of Ethiopia and Eritrea and is slowly becomin

Ghost towns and desert wild horses

Wild horses in the African country of Namibia  have a number of theories proposed over the years as to the origin. Namib Desert Origins of Wild Horses. The Namib desert of Southern Africa is one of the world's oldest and largest deserts. The origin of wild horses of the Namib desert is a secret the desert ghost towns keeps to herself. Kolmanskop was a rich German diamond mining town but presently is a ghost town in the Namib Desert visited only by Namib wild horses and the occasional tourist.  Origins of the wild horses of the Namib Desert remains a mystery fueled by theories and urban legends because originally there were no horses in southern Africa. There have been a number of theories proposed over the years as to the origin of the wild horses in the Southern African country of Namibia. One theory is around 1914 during WWI the Union of South Africa troops were stationed at the small town of Garub. The German forces set up a stronghold in the hills at the town of Aus, which b

Celebrating Easter in Africa the 1994 Public Holidays Act

Celebrating Easter in Africa the 1994 Public Holidays Act South Africa has an almost 80% Black-African ethnic group and the majority of South Africans practice the Christian faith. Many Christians in South Africa celebrate Jesus Christ's resurrection on Easter Sunday. The Easter weekend in South Africa begins with Good Friday and closes with Family Day, more commonly known as Easter Monday, on Monday, April 6, 2015, this year.  On December 7, 1994, Nelson Mandela and the African National Congress worked together to create The Public Holidays Act. In 1994, the South African Government renamed Easter Monday to Family Day to include all religions and the non-religious in the Rainbow Nation of South Africa.  South Africa's homeland policy was dissolved in 1994 and all the homelands in the country were absorbed into South Africa. The former Republics of Transkei, Bophuthatswana, Venda, and Ciskei were also known as homelands or Bantustans that were suppos

Upmarket Peanut Butter Okra Stew

Make Peanut Butter Okra Stew Together. Okra is a popular vegetable which originated from present-day Ethiopia in Africa. Stewed African Okra Soup is made with peanut butter, tomatoes, corn and spices to create a flavorful filling soup the entire family will love. Get this easy-to-follow Stewed African Peanut Butter Okra side-dish from the African Gourmet. Okra is a popular vegetable which originated from present-day Ethiopia in Africa. Prep time: 20 min Cook time: 20 Total time: 40 min Ingredients 2 cups of fresh or frozen okra 3 ripe tomatoes, chopped 1 cup canned whole kernel corn 1 medium onion, chopped 1 bunch green onions, chopped 2 tablespoons palm oil ½ teaspoon red pepper flake 1 tablespoon peanut butter ¼ teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon sugar 2 cups vegetable broth or water Directions In a large pot over medium heat, sauté palm oil and onions until the onions become translucent, abou

The The officially belongs in front of Gambia since 1964

About The Gambia Name and Unique Facts Yes it is officially true, the The officially belongs in front of Gambia since 1964.  The Permanent Committee on Geographical Names says "A letter dated May 1964 from the Gambian prime minister's office instructed that The Gambia should be used with a capital T. One of the reasons they gave was that The Gambia could be confused with Zambia, which was a new name to the international community at the time." Interesting facts about The Gambia 1. The official name is Republic of The Gambia. 2. The Gambia gained its independence from the United Kingdom in 1965. 3. The Gambia is Africa's smallest mainland country at 11,295 sq km or 4,361 sq miles. 4. The Gambia is geographically surrounded by Senegal. 5. From 1982-1989 The Gambia and Senegal formed Senegambia. The Gambia banned gambling March 1, 2015 6. The 1,130km or 700 mile long Gambia River runs through the middl

African Witchdoctors, Sangoma, Nyanga and Traditional Healers

In Southern African society, the Sangoma acts as a therapist for issues of health, luck, love, dream interpretation, sexual problems, or business. African Witchdoctors, Sangoma, Nyanga and Traditional Healers Nyanga’s seek the nature of the illness and its cure by meditating or going into a trance in order to get advice from a God or spirit. Sangoma's and Nyanga's are not witch-doctors however the term is unofficially used interchangeably by the general population, the official term is traditional healer used by governments and organizations. Traditional healing is linked to wider belief systems and remains integral to the lives of most Africans.  Health is defined in The World Health Organization’s Constitution as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. WHO states this definition extends beyond the traditional Western biomedical standard which treats body, mind and society as separate entities and reflect

Kenyan Amaranth Ukwaju Fish Soup

The amaranth plant is an ancient food crop, with cultivation dating back as far as 6700 BC. Cooked Amaranth leaves are eaten as vegetables, soups, stews and relishes. Leaves and young plant stems are cooked in Kenya and throughout Eastern and Southern Africa as spinach. Kenyan Ukwaju or Kenya tamarind is a sour tasting paste used as a spice.  Amaranth leaves have a mild flavor and when paired with another local favorite, Ukwaju Kenyan Amaranth Ukwaju Fish Soup makes delicious satisfying African meal.  Kenyan Amaranth Ukwaju Fish Soup African Recipes by The African Gourmet   Kenyan Ukwaju or Kenya tamarind is a sour tasting paste used as a spice. Amaranth leaves have a mild flavor and when paired with Ukwaju, Kenyan Amaranth Ukwaju Fish Soup makes delicious satisfying African recipe.  Ingredients 1 pound red snapper fillets   2 large handfuls amaranth or spinach leaves   1/2 cup tamarind juice   1 tablespoon tamarind paste   1 large red onion,

Ostrich Frikkadels Spaghetti and Meatballs Recipe

Ostrich Frikkadels spaghetti and meatballs recipe Chic African Culture Frikkadel is the Afrikaans word for a meatball and ostrich is very popular meat eaten in Southern Africa. Ostrich meat is very lean with very low-fat content and is healthier red meat. Frikkadel ostrich meatballs is a very versatile recipe used for spaghetti and meatballs, stews, sandwiches and in any of dish as a substitute for beef. Ostrich Frikkadels Spaghetti and Meatballs Ingredients: 1 pound ground ostrich meat 1 onion finely chopped 1 teaspoon minced garlic 1 teaspoon minced fresh mint 1/2 teaspoon red pepper flake 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon ginger 1/2 cup fine breadcrumbs Directions: In a large bowl mix all ingredients well and form into equal size balls. In a large frying pan set to medium heat, add 1 tablespoon olive oil cook covered 5 minutes and uncovered 10 minutes until cooked through. Serve as an appetizer, a meatball sandwich with homemade barbeque sauce or as spaghetti and meatballs.

Fire bread recipes in Africa are endless

South Africa’s favorite fire bread recipe is Pot Bread or Potbrood bread recipe. Fire bread recipes in Africa are endless. Pot Bread rustic outdoor cooking on an open fire is delicious African food made in a cast iron pot traditionally cooked over barbecue coals or braai in South Africa. Classic fire pot bread recipe can be made at home add cheese, rosemary, onions, beer, raisins, apricots, chocolate, Billabong or any of your favorite ingredients. Fire Bread Recipe Garlic Butter Pot Bread Fire Bread Recipe Garlic Butter Pot Bread Fire bread recipes in Africa are traditional bread recipes made for down-home food recipes. Pot Bread or Potbrood fire bread recipe is quickly prepared and cooked over an open fire. Ingredients 2 cups self-rising flour      2 medium eggs 1 teaspoon garlic salt 1 teaspoon white sugar 1/3 cup unsalted softened butter 1 teaspoon garlic powder Directions   In a large bowl, mix butter and sugar, then mix

Anopheles mosquitoes the deadliest insect in Africa

Anopheles mosquitoes the deadliest insect in Africa There are about 430 Anopheles species of mosquitoes of which 30-40 transmit life-threatening malaria. Anopheles mosquitoes are the deadliest insects in sub-Saharan Africa where it causes nearly a million deaths a year. Malaria parasite by the National Institutes of Health Malaria is caused by a one-celled parasite called Plasmodium and female Anopheles mosquitoes can only transmit malaria. The adult females can live up to 7-28 days in nature. Once a mosquito ingests the Plasmodium parasite it undergoes development and an incubation period from 10 to 21 days. The mosquito must have been infected through a previous blood meal from an infected person.   Anopheles mosquitoes the deadliest insect in Africa Female mosquitoes take blood in order to carry out egg production. When a mosquito bites an infected person, a small amount of blood is taken in which may contain malaria parasites. About one week later, when the mosquito

Your mental strength will be tested

Dua la kuku halimpati mwewe is Swahili proverb for ”A chicken's prayer doesn't affect a hawk” As Martin Luther King, Jr. said  “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.” The African proverb teaches thst standing strong in the face of controversy, remembering adversity is another way to measure the greatness of a person. At one time or another, your mental strength will be tested African Proverb If we believe in ourselves then we realize that wavering on our principles and standards would be harmful to our mental and physical selves.  In addition, if we love ourselves, we certainly want what is best for ourselves. this is not being self-centered this is realizing you matter. people want to make you change your stand on your principles and values are taking you into a dangerous place trying to change the very definition of what is normal thereby changing the definition

Rose Water Simple Syrup

Rose honey syrup is a sweet and fragrant syrup made with honey and rose petals.  Rose honey syrup is a popular ingredient in cocktails, desserts, and other sweet treats. Rose honey syrup is also known for its health benefits. It is a good source of antioxidants and can help to boost the immune system. Honey is valued in Africa as food, medicine and as an important economic activity. The color and flavor of honey vary depending on the bees nectar source lighter colored honeys are mild in flavor, while darker honeys are usually more robust in flavor. Across the African continent, there are many ways of preparing African Rose Honey Syrup. Some recipes call for the use of fresh rose petals, while others call for the use of dried rose petals. Some recipes also call for the addition of other ingredients, such as lemon juice, ginger, or cinnamon. Kenya is world famous for its cut flower farms especially the roses, one of the main growing areas is around Lake Naivasha. Floriculture pioneer Ose

Simple Mabuyu Baobab Seed Juice Recipe

Mabuyu Baobab Juice Learn how to make simple Mabuyu Baobab Juice Mabuyu Baobab (bay-oh-bab) Juice is popular in sub-Saharan African countries especially in Zimbabwe, Malawi, and Tanzania. Mabuyu Baobab Juice Prep time: 5 min  Chill time: 5 min Total time: 10 min Yield: 2 servings Serving size: 8 ounces Calories per serving: 15 calories Fat per serving: 0 g Mabuyu Baobab Juice Ingredients Dried baobab fruit powder: 2 tablespoons Sparkling water: 2 cups Sugar: to taste Add an additional fruit juice: optional Directions 1. Add all ingredients into a large jar and mix well. 2. Add ice and serve. 3. The taste of dried baobab pulp is rather mild. A brief look at the Baobab tree Baobab the Tree God planted upside-down. Common names for the baobab tree are cream of tartar tree, monkey-bread tree, tabaldi, and mowana. The gigantic trunk of the baobab tree leads upwards to branches resembling the roots of a tree, which is why it has of

Smoked Fish Okra Stew

Smoked Fish Okra Stew Okra is an ingredient in many soup and stew recipes throughout Africa. The young leaves and flowers of the okra plant are edible; also, okra leaves are frequently boiled or used dried ground into a powder to thicken soups and stews. Okra tastes like okra having a unique flavor and texture. Okra naturally releases a gooey material called mucilage when cut, mucilage makes okra a natural thickener to soups and stews. Any type of acids such as tomatoes, vinegar or lemon juice will counteract the mucilage of okra. 30-Minute Smoked Fish and Okra Stew Recipe Smoked Fish Okra Stew. Ingredients 5 ounces any smoked fish 3 cups sliced okra  or two handfuls small okra 1 handful okra leaves chopped 2 ripe tomatoes diced 2 onions finely chopped 2 garden eggs or one small eggplant chopped 1 hot pepper finely chopped ¼ cup palm oil 4 cups water Directions Heat palm oil over medium heat in a large pot, add onions and garlic. Add remaini

Taro Root Tomato Pottage Stew Recipe

Taro Root serves as a significant agricultural produce that features in various African cuisines as a staple ingredient. Taro Root is a staple crop used in many African recipes. It is a tuber that grows underground and has a brown skin and a white flesh. Taro Root is rich in carbohydrates, fiber, and vitamin C. It can be boiled, fried, roasted, or mashed to make various dishes. Some of the popular dishes made with Taro Root are fufu, ndole, and cocoyam. Three quick Taro root facts. 1. Taro root is a starchy vegetable consisting of 2/3 water with a fibrous outer coating.   2. Taro root is commonly used in place of potatoes.   3. Taro root and leaves should not be eaten raw. Taro root is a starchy vegetable that has a nutty and slightly sweet flavor. It is widely used in many cuisines around the world, especially in Asia, Africa, and the Pacific Islands. Taro root has many health benefits, such as being rich in fiber, potassium, vitamin C, and antioxidants. It can help lower blood pres