
Showing posts from October, 2016

African Food and Art

Thank you to our latest donor, Esther. Thank you, Esther. We were able to purchase a new cutting board.

Why the Male Robin has a Red Breast African Folktale

The robin is a small bird with red around its mouth and red on its breast. The female has no red on her the breast, and the following African is the folktale legend explains why. Cutest African Folktale Ever,   Why the Male Robin has a Red Breast African Folktale One day the Robin and his wife found that they had no red camwood powder to make themselves beautiful, so the husband prepared for a journey to the market to buy some.  He was a long time on the road, but at last reached the market only to find that all the red camwood had been sold. He tried one trader after another with no success, for all had sold out, but one finally said, "I have none to sell, but I can give you a small piece, enough for yourself." The kind trader gave Robin a small piece, and to protect the red camwood from the sun, the Robin put it in his mouth, as he wanted to take it safely home to his wife.  But, as he traveled the red camwood melted dripping out of the corners of his mouth, down h

Sierra Leone Fried Banana Rice Dumplings

Easy Sierra Leone Recipe The Kambia District in North Sierra Leone is considered the main rice bowl of the country with its large farms, widespread mangrove swamps and large river creeks.  Sierra Leone Fried Banana Rice Dumplings Rice is the country's staple yet most of the rice Sierra Leone eats is imported from Asia. Sierra Leone’s traditional rice dishes are cooked simply in salted water or ground into flour, served with fish, meat and vegetable dishes. Sierra Leone Fried Banana Rice Dumplings Ingredients 3 medium very ripe bananas, mashed 1 1/4 cup rice flour 1/2 cup white sugar Water as needed 1 teaspoon baking powder 1/2 teaspoon salt Oil for frying Directions Heat 2 inches oil in a frying pan over medium-high heat. Mash the bananas into a paste in a bowl. Alternate adding rice flour and a little water to make a stiff batter. Stir in the sugar. Drop spoonfuls of the mixture into the hot oil and fry until go

Write your name using the Egyptian Hieroglyphic Alphabet

Write your name using the Egyptian Hieroglyphic Alphabet What do the hieroglyphics symbols mean and how to write using the Egyptian Hieroglyphic Alphabet. Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Alphabet What are Egyptian Hieroglyphics? Egyptian Hieroglyphics are characters in which symbols represent objects and ideas. Hieroglyphics can be pictures of living creatures such as an owl, objects used in daily life such as a basket or symbols such as lasso. Most of the pictures stand for the object they represent, but usually, they stand for sounds. You cannot exactly match the American English alphabet to hieroglyphics, because they are two very different languages, but historians have come up with a simplified translation of our letters and Egyptian hieroglyphs. What do the hieroglyphics symbols mean? A an Egyptian vulture B a foot C a basket with handle D a hand E a reed F a horned viper, an Egyptian snake G a jar-stand H a reed shelter I a reed J a cobra K the basket with

Red, Black and Green, Every Race Has a Flag but the Coon

Marcus Garvey's work through the Africa Times and Orient Review and his emphasis on the importance of a flag highlights his dedication to empowering people of African descent and instilling a sense of pride in their heritage. Marcus Garvey, in response to the 1900 coon song, created the Pan-African flag in 1920. The Pan-African flag or Black Liberation Flag is a tricolor flag consisting of three equal horizontal bands colored red, black, and green.  The three colors on the Pan-African flag represent red for the blood that unites all people of Black African ancestry and shed for liberation, black for the people of Black African ancestry, and green for the abundant natural wealth of Africa. One of Marcus Garvey's famous quotes is, "Show me the race or the nation without a flag, and I will show you a race of people without any pride." This statement underscores Garvey's belief that a flag symbolizes the pride and unity of a

The where and why food loss and waste happens

The where and why food loss and waste happens at the farm, in storage, and in transit. Hungry people and policymakers worldwide want to reduce food loss and waste; therefore, people need to know where it occurs and where interventions will be the most impactful. Food loss is the decrease in the quantity or quality of food resulting from decisions and actions by food suppliers in the chain. Food loss refers to any food that is discarded, incinerated or otherwise disposed of along the food supply chain from harvest. However, food waste refers to the decrease in the quantity or quality of food resulting from decisions and actions by retailers, food service providers and consumers. At the farm Important causes of on-farm losses include inadequate harvesting time, climatic conditions, practices applied at harvest and handling, and challenges in marketing produce. Food loss and waste entails poor use of resources and negative environmental impacts.  A growing population and rising incomes ar

When is Autumn Weather in South Africa

Autumn Weather in Africa Autumn in Africa just like any other place. In the southern hemisphere of Africa, seasons are opposite to those of Europe and North America. When is Autumn Weather in South Africa About the Causes of Seasons and Weather in Africa Autumn in Africa just like any other place around the world, it is a season between summer and winter where the temperatures gradually decrease, please fall from the trees and animals begin that preparation for winter. Southern Africa is located in the southern hemisphere. The Southern Hemisphere is the half of Earth that is south of the Equator and about 60% of Africa lies in the Southern Hemisphere. Angola, Botswana, Burundi, ESwatini, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Rwanda, Seychelles, South Africa, Tanzania, Zambia, and Zimbabwe are all totally located in the Southern Hemisphere. The Democratic Republic of the Congo, Gabon, Republic of the Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Kenya, São Tomé and Príncipe, Som

Burdens of Women Collecting Firewood in Africa

Throughout Africa, women and girls walk for hours a day in the hope of finding a few branches or roots to use as firewood; to avoid the midday sun, many leave their homes before sunrise. Burdens of Women Collecting Firewood in Africa Dangers of women collecting firewood in Africa range from spinal and pelvic injuries to sexual assault, rape, and harassment. Almost all African countries still rely on wood to meet basic energy needs, in fact over 80% of the energy supply in African countries comes from wood. In these countries, woodfuels not only are vital to the nutrition of rural and urban households but are also often essential in food processing industries for baking, brewing, smoking, curing and electricity production. The World Health Organization states that “Over 98,000 Nigerian women die annually from the use of firewood. If a woman cooks breakfast, lunch, and dinner, it is equivalent to smoking between three and 20 packets of cigarettes a day.” Fuelwood accounts for

Traditional South African Gooseberry Jam Recipe

Traditional South African Gooseberry Jam Recipe Native to Peru and Chile, today gooseberries grow in 34 out of 54 African countries. Gooseberry  fruit is covered in its own papery husk which is botanically called the calyx; the flavor is delicious bittersweet and pleasant with a unique tomato pineapple like blend.  All parts of the plant, except the fruit, are poisonous.   The fruit is usually eaten raw or cooked in pies, cakes, jellies, and jams. The fruit is rich in vitamin A, and vitamin C. Gooseberries grow naturally in tropical regions around the world grown for its fruit to use in many recipes and medicinally. Traditional Gooseberry Jam Gooseberry Jam is a classic recipe especially in Southern Africa. Gooseberries are high in pectin; making jams and jellies are easy to prepare with the bittersweet fruit. Ingredients      2 pounds Cape Gooseberries     5 cups sugar 1/4 cup water Directions Add all ingredients together, bring to a bo

Listen to the Ancestors Wise Words on life's failure

Ancestors say failure creates opportunities, here are wise words from African ancestors to start your life climb. Who climbs falls. Wise Words from Africa African Proverb means to keep trying, do not give up on you, try and try again. Keep climbing, no matter how little the steps, if you believe it will work listen to wise words from Africa. Wise people know any attempt to climb higher, even if it fails, is better than no attempt. Who climbs falls, try and try again. Once you attempt to find a solution to problems in your life, do not give up if the first solution. Try something else and if that does not work, try something else, keep climbing. End the bad habit of killing time with wasted negative thoughts and start the climb. Perseverance is the key to you unlearning bad habits and learned helplessness because if you only try once and it does not work, you may have only strengthened your learned helplessness. Who climbs falls and that is ok, to achieve the greatest success, yo

Video About Love African Proverbs

Video About Love African Proverbs African proverbs teach love is awkward, love is difficult, love is maddening, African proverbs also teach love may just be the best thing that has ever happened to you. 10 About Love African Proverbs in the video Laughter is exterior, but love is in the heart. He who loves you, loves you with your dirt. Where there is love there is no darkness. Love attracts happiness; it brings near that which is far. Love and smoke are two things that cannot be concealed. Love has its reasons, which reasons it does not know. Do not throw your hook where there are no fish. Shelter your candle and it will give you light. A woman who lost her rival has no sorrow. If you love honey, fear not the bees. Teach us in everyday life love African proverbs inspire with ancient words of wisdom.

Importance of African locust bean trees

African locust bean trees are important to economics for women. Soumbala and Dawadawa pastes are made from the fermented seeds of African locust beans​. African locust tree bark, leaves, flowers, and pods have a number of medicinal and food uses. The African locust bean tree, honey bean tree or the Dawadawa tree is a multipurpose tree used widely in Africa for medicine, food, and trade and pest control. African locust bean tree African locust tree is a large tree with slow growth and begins fruiting after 8 years. Once established African locust trees need little care, and the food they provide often requires no effort other than picking or collecting. In Africa below the Saharan desert, from Senegal to Tanzania the seeds from locust trees are cooked like beans, or fermented and added to sauces. Soumbala and Dawadawa pastes are made from the fermented seeds of the African locust bean tree used widely across Western Africa. The paste is high and fat and is use

South Africa's Coal-Fired Electricity

Medupi Power Station is a large coal-fired power plant located in Limpopo province, South Africa. It is one of the largest coal-fired power plants in the world. With an estimated 93% of South Africa’s electricity comes from coal. South Africa's electricity generation is heavily reliant on coal. South Africa is also one of the world's largest producers of coal, with the industry playing a significant role in the country's economy.  Coal production in South Africa South Africa's Coal-Fired Electricity. South Africa's coal-fired power plants play a major role in the country's electricity generation and economy, but their environmental impact and contribution to climate change are increasingly a subject of concern and debate in South African economic circles. Coal production in South Africa is largely dominated by a few large mining companies, such as Anglo American, Sasol, and Exxaro Resources. The coal is mined from large open-pit mines, which are primarily locate

African Lamb Vegetable Stew From The Gambia Recipe

Domada is the national dish of The Gambia, the smallest country on Africa's mainland. This stew is deliciously flavored African lamb stew made with a blend of lamb, vegetable, creamy peanut butter, and spices. Domada is the national dish of The Gambia When you think of livestock production in The Gambia, think traditional. Small-scale Gambia farmers keep lamb and sheep for household food, selling and trading. There are an estimated 145,000 sheep in the country; sheep's first year of life is called a lamb while mutton is a mature sheep. Lambs intended for meat are generally sent for slaughter at five to eight months old. African food  recipes are easy to make at home. Gambia African lamb stew made with a blend of lamb, vegetable, creamy peanut butter, and spices. Ingredients 1 ½ pound lamb cut into cubes 2 large onions, diced 2 large tomatoes, diced 1 small eggplant, peeled and diced 2 heaping tablespoons creamy peanut butter 3 medium carrots, diced 2 medium w

Panama Papers, Stealing from Africa's poor to give to the rich

The Panama Papers detail tax avoidance using very poor African countries by very wealthy International companies and individuals. These unethical business practices undermine Africa’s progress trapping millions of Africans in poverty . The Panama Papers have lifted the veil on a secret world in which tax havens are used to shift billions out of the world’s poorest countries in Africa. What are the Panama Papers? Stealing is stealing and the Panama Papers details how shell companies steal from billions from Africa's poor to give to the rich. The Panama Papers 11.5 million leaked documents detail tax avoidance using very poor African countries by very wealthy International companies and individuals.  Reverse Robin Hood Syndrome  The Panama Papers are 11.5 million leaked documents that detail financial and attorney-client information for the Mossack Fonseca law firm.  Fifty-two out of fifty-four African countries are men

Dr. Wangari Maathai Green Belt Movement

Kenya's Dr. Wangari Maathai was the first African women to receive the Nobel Peace Prize. Dr. Maathai was awarded the 2004 Nobel Peace Prize in the field of humanitarian work founding The Green Belt Movement. The Green Belt Movement or GBM was founded by Professor Wangari Maathai in 1977. The GBM was created to respond to the needs of rural Kenyan women who reported that their streams were drying up, their food supply was less secure, and they had to walk further and further to get firewood for fuel and fencing. GBM encouraged the women to work together to grow seedlings and plant trees to bind the soil, store rainwater, provide food and firewood, and receive a small monetary token for their work. Professor Maathai saw that behind the everyday hardships of the poor, environmental degradation, deforestation, and food insecurity were deeper issues of disempowerment, disenfranchisement, and a loss of the traditional values that had previously enabled communities to protect thei

Why is Africa Rich but Starving?

Underlying causes of hunger in Africa are the poor operation of Africa's economic and political systems, war and poor environmental polices. Sub-Saharan Africa is rich in fertile farming land. However, barely a fraction of fertile agricultural land is being farmed. There are three main causes of hunger in Africa, harmful economic systems, conflict, and an overexploited environment. The UN Food and Agriculture Organization estimate that of the 856 million people in sub-Saharan Africa, 233 million people are undernourished.  Sub-Saharan Africa was the area with the second largest number of undernourished people; Asia has 512 million. Why are people starving in Africa? Harmful economic systems. Barely a fraction of fertile agricultural land is being farmed, just 10% of the 400 million hectares of agricultural land in the Guinea Savannah zone that covers a large part of Africa. Fragmented regional food markets and the lack of clear and predictable policies have dissuaded the pr