
Showing posts from July, 2017

African Food and Art

Thank you to our latest donor, Esther. Thank you, Esther. We were able to purchase a new cutting board.

First female elected president in Africa Ellen Johnson Sirleaf

Politician and economist, Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf is the first female elected president in Africa. Madame President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf After two years of rule by a transitional government, democratic elections in late 2005 brought President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf to power.  She subsequently won reelection in 2011 and remains challenged to rebuild Liberia's economy, particularly following the 2014-15 Ebola epidemic, and to reconcile a nation still recovering from 14 years of fighting. Ellen Johnson Sirleaf stated “If asked to describe my homeland in a sentence, I might say something like this: Liberia is a wonderful, beautiful, mixed-up country struggling mightily to find itself.” Liberia Madame President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf 10 Fast Facts Born October 29, 1938 in Monrovia, Liberia Studied economics at Harvard University and other institutions. Johnson Sirleaf began her political career in the 1970s as her nation's first female minister of finance.

South African Strawberry Tart Hertzoggies Recipe

South African classic tea time dessert, strawberry tart hertzoggies were named after J.B.M. Hertzog who served as South Africa's prime minister. Hertzoggies were his favorite teatime dessert and his supporters baked and served strawberry hertzoggies at every function J.B.M. Hertzog attended.   Hertzoggies are sweet and delicious tartlets filled with strawberry jam and decadent coconut topped with baked meringue. Food of Africa. Prep time: 45 min Cook time: 10 min Total time: 55 min Classic South African Strawberry Tart Hertzoggies Recipe. Ingredients For the Dough 2 cups self-rising flour ¼ cup castor sugar ½ cup unsalted butter 3 large egg yolks 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 teaspoon vanilla extract   For the Filling 1/2 cup strawberry jam 1/2 cup desiccated coconut 1 teaspoon vanilla extract   For the Meringue 3 large egg whites 3/4 cup white sugar 1/4 teaspoon cream of tartar   Directions For the dough, beat together but

Largest flood plains in Africa

Sudd Swamp three facts Papyrus reeds which grow prolifically in the Sudd is a native plant of Africa Sudd is the world's largest wetlands in the Nile basin In the wet season, the Sudd covers an area nearly 1 1/2 times the size of Texas. The Sudd is a huge swampy biological supermarket in South Sudan, formed by the White Nile, comprising more than 15% of the country's total area; it is one of the world's largest wetlands. The Sudd of South Sudan is a large swampy area of more than 38,610 sq miles or 100,000 sq km fed by the waters of the White Nile. The Sudd dominates the center of Africa’s newest country, South Sudan. The Sudd is one of the largest flood plains in Africa, and one of the largest tropical wetlands in the world. The Sudd region has countless wetlands, a maze of channels, lakes, and swamps, and which receives water from the Bahr el Gazal River.  One of the most extraordinary physical features of the Sudd is its flatness and the soils of the w

Inspirational whispers of guidance from your ancestors

Inspirational whispers of guidance from your ancestors that will encourage and uplift you. Being happy is appreciating and liking what you have, instead of what you do not have. Sometimes you do not realize your own strength until you come face to face with your greatest weakness. Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. A little axe can cut down a big tree. A clear conscience is more valuable than wealth. The bitterest tears shed over graves are for words left unsaid and deeds left undone. A wise man plans for tomorrow, a fool plans only for today. The patient person eats ripe fruit. Learn politeness from the impolite. ~ with love from your ancestors

Superstition and Supernatural Diseases

Superstition and Supernatural Diseases Human beings have always sought to understand the supernatural and explain the occurrence of disease and death through superstition. Throughout South Africa, Sangoma's and Nyanga's are traditional healers. Traditional healing is linked to wider belief systems and remains integral to the lives of most Africans. Some traditional healers use good magic as a cure because they believe that illnesses including psychological issues have supernatural origins.  South Africa’s traditional healers believe that supernatural origins are often the chief cause of disease and have much power over the sick person. Three chief dark powerful creatures are Impaka the cat, Incanti the chameleon and  Inqolobane the snake. Though science has discovered the causes of many diseases, superstition causes questions to remain. Three chief supernatural creatures are Impaka the cat, Incanti the chameleon and Inqolobane the snake. Impaka Impak

Zulu African Beer Making

Zulu tribes people have a long steeped tradition of beer making. For generations homemade beer or Ubhiya in the Zulu language has played an essential role in Zulu rituals and traditions. Enjoying a drink with friends Zulu Beer Making Drink beer in africa Home brewing beer is a labor-intensive process as well as an exact science. Zulu Beer is an age-old brewing practice used to bring people together to share at weddings, funerals, and traditional occasions or relaxing at home with family and neighbors.  Women in a special hut that is not completely covered by a roof so smoke can escape brew traditional Zulu beer. Zulu beer strainer and skimmer also known as Isikhetho is a cone shaped basket made of grass, some are tightly weaved in texture as to be capable of holding liquids .  Traditional Zulu beer strainers and skimmers are usually handmade by women of beer making households or as a means of income to sell in local markets.   To obtain malt for beer, the grai

Fried Obuunu Plantains Recipe

Fried Obuunu Plantains Recipe African Recipes by Chic African Culture Have you ever tried frying plantains at home? Fried Nigerian Obuunu plantains are served as a snack or side dish recipe and is a favorite street food of Nigeria. Prep time: 5 Cook time: 15  min Total time: 2 0 min Ingredients      2 ripe yellow plantains     1 teaspoon  ground  garlic powder 1 teaspoon ground red pepper ¼ teaspoon salt Oil for frying Directions  In a large deep frying pan, heat 1 inch of vegetable oil on medium heat. Peel and slice the plantains and fry until golden brown. Fry about 1 ½ -2 minutes on each side. Remove from oil and drain on a paper towel, sprinkle with garlic, salt and red pepper and serve. Chic African Culture African food did you know? Plantains are a major staple food in Africa, and are more important in the humid lowlands of West and Central Africa. One hundred or more different varieties of plantain grow deep

How Rice is Made in Madagascar

Rice is a major source of calories for half of the world's population. In Madagascar, rice markets have always been important, since rice is the most important staple in the country. Many families eat rice three times a day, and most of it is homegrown. Grounding rice in Madagascar In the 1970s, Madagascar was a rice exporter but has since become a rice importer making Madagascar’s economy very fragile; the country imports significant amounts of rice from international markets for everyday consumption, around 51%.  The average household income in Madagascar is less than $1.25 making Madagascar an extreme low-income African country according the World Bank Standards. Rice production is a major source of income and employment for many households in Madagascar. But, as prices increase for rice as well as other major staples of cassava and maize, most small farmers benefit little or not at all from price increases. The rice

Wield the Power of Pickled Lemon Seasoning Cautiously

Making pickled lemons or Msir adds a unique flavor to meals but careful, just a small amount of the North African pickled lemon seasoning is needed. Fresh lemons are washed, sliced, covered in salt for at least 24 hours, then drained and mixed with spices to cook in Tagines. Unlocking the enchanting flavors of Msir is an effortless journey that unveils a world of culinary wonders. With its tangy zest, this magical pickled lemon seasoning infuses meals with an unrivaled uniqueness that dances on the taste buds. But, ah, beware! Like a potent elixir, merely a whisper of this mystical condiment can unleash a symphony of flavors, elevating your dishes to celestial heights. So, wield its power cautiously, for a single lemon slice is key to unlocking an entire universe of taste sensations. Msir North African Pickled Lemon Seasoning Ingredients 1/2 cup sea salt 4 large lemons Water Time Directions Cut four slits on equal sides into the lemons, but do not slice all the way through. Pack

Life lessons Cameroonian Proverbs

Life lessons Cameroonian Proverbs Life lessons Cameroonian proverbs. Cameroon is slightly larger than the US state of California with a large youth population, more than 60% under the age of 25. Despite its youth, Cameroonians believe ancestral proverbs are the expression of ancestors that contain time-tested wisdom, truth, lessons, and advice.   Going for a walk in Cameroon  Life lessons Cameroonian proverbs The one who travels knows more than the one who studies.   The weight of something is felt by the one carrying it.   A chicken is heavy when the journey is long.   A person that does not listen to advice will be left alone to find their own solution to where they are going.   A child who is destined to lead will walk with his ancestors .   Never spoil the air where you sleep.   A village is good when one is passing by. A flexible hand cannot easily break.   A lion that wants to eat you does not lo

Four most effective medicinal plants to grow in your garden

Amaranth, Calendulas, dandelions and stinging nettles are the 4 most effective plants used in herbal remedies throughout Africa to grow in your home or neighborhood garden. Four most effective African medicinal plants to grow in your garden. Harvest these 4 natural herbal remedies for simple, homegrown medicine. Stinging Nettles are easy to grow; the root is also used for joint ailments, as a diuretic, and as an astringent. Stinging nettle above ground parts are used for anemia, poor circulation, urinary tract infections, allergies, kidney stones or as a general tonic.  In foods, young stinging nettle leaves are eaten as a cooked vegetable. Do not forget to wear gloves when harvesting. Nettles have a harmless but unpleasant sting, if brushed. Stinging nettle leaf has a long history of use. It was used primarily as a diuretic and laxative in ancient Greek times. Amaranth is a broad-leafed, bushy plant that grows about six feet tall. Tanzanian Mchicha amaranth healing African green tea

Senegalese Sombi Sweet Milk Pudding

Sweet Milk Pudding The local porridge or pudding for the foodie in Senegal is called sombi sweet milk pudding. Senegalese Sombi Sweet Milk Pudding Explore and Understand Africa Through Her Food and Culture What is Sombi Sweet Milk Pudding? · Sombi is a popular sweet milk pudding food dish with the Senegalese communities of the Toucouleur, Wollof, and Jakhanke. ·Sombi Sweet Milk Rice Pudding is usually eaten at breakfast, but sometimes as dinner because it is light and very easy to digest. ·Sombi is one of the easiest dishes to prepare and can be made from rice, millet or finely crushed corn.  · Another variant of the sombi is prepared from local red rice; this recipe of sombi is especially prepared for the occasion of the wedding ceremonies. Sombi Sweet Milk Pudding Senegalese Sombi Sweet Milk Rice Pudding Ingredients - 2 cups cooked brown rice 2 cups buttermilk ½ cup white sugar ½ teaspoon salt Directions - Add

Breadfruit Buttermilk Honey Cake Recipe

Breadfruit Cake Recipe After learning all about breadfruit make a very simple frosted breadfruit honey cake recipe anyone can make. There are as many ways to cook breadfruit but a few breadfruit basics are important for making breadfruit recipes. Follow these basic breadfruit usage tips any time you prepare your fresh breadfruit. Easy Breadfruit Recipe Frosted Breadfruit Buttermilk Honey Cake Recipe Breadfruit is a multipurpose tree and all parts of the tree are used. The leaves of the breadfruit trees are used as fans sandpaper for fine woodwork, to wrap foods, and as plates. Breadfruit is cooked and eaten green, mature or ripe. Do not overcook or breadfruit will become mushy and waterlogged. Breadfruit Basics Wash Washing breadfruit before cooking removes sap. Breadfruit contains a small amount of white sap, which can stick to knives, pots and steamers. If fruit oozes sap upon cutting, a piece of cardboard placed over the cutting board keeps it clean. Utensils resist

Liver Lovers Recipe

Kibda Iskandaraniya Egyptian Liver recipe is a popular street food and homemade meal food dish made in Egyptian households. Follow these step-by-step directions for our Kibda Iskandaraniya Egyptian Liver Recipe. Kibda Iskandaraniya Egyptian Liver recipe Kibda Iskandaraniya Egyptian Liver Recipe Ingredients: 1/3 cup cooking oil 1 pound calf’s liver, chopped 6 garlic cloves, crushed and minced 1 large green bell pepper, chopped 1 large yellow onion, chopped 2 medium red tomatoes, diced 1 chili pepper, seeded and chopped 1 1/2 tablespoons cumin powder 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon powder 1/4 teaspoon ginger powder 1/4 teaspoon cloves powder 1/4 teaspoon cardamom powder Juice of one lemon Salt and pepper to taste Directions: In a large frying pan with a lid, over high heat, heat the oil add liver. Stir-fry liver 3 minutes or it until it changes color. Add all remaining ingredients and mix well. Cover cook over medium low

Curry Roti Bread Recipe

Curry Roti Bread Recipe African Recipes by the African Gourmet  Roti pronounced rho tee is a staple bread recipe of countless South Africans influenced by Indian cooking. Roti bread is usually eaten with soups, stews and curries used in such a way to take the place of a spoon in Western culture.  Prep time: 10 min Cook time: 30 min Total time: 40 min Curry Roti Bread Recipe Ingredients: 1 cup warm water 2 ½ cups wheat flour or all-purpose 2 tablespoons melted butter 1 tablespoon ground red pepper (optional) 1 teaspoon ground curry Pinch of salt Directions: Mix flour and salt to make dough by hand. Add water or more flour depending on the dough’s consistency. The dough should feel slightly sticky to the touch but not stick to your hands. Knead the dough and roll it into small balls of equal sizes. On medium heat add one tablespoon of oil to a large frying pan or griddle. Roll out the dough into round shapes using rolling pin. Place rolled dough into the hot pan. Cook until

Listen to your Elders African Proverbs

Listen to your Elders African Proverbs Eyes have seen it all Inspiring African proverbs from your Ancestors. You may deny that you were fed, but your body will tell. Rivers flow into each other but stomach do not.   Food that is rejected at one place is accepted at another.   One greedy for food makes himself playful.   You cannot make new soups with old bones.   Those who are thought to be dying are the old, but those who actually die are the young.   People who are on the verge of death do not hear the drum beat.   Those who do bad things, also die in a bad ways.   A bad life does not overwhelm the person who leads it.   The spider and the fly cannot make a bargain.   The body of wise man has eyes.   Do not fight for a coward; he will not fight for you.   The tortoise can look up but cannot go up.   Lead a fool into the house but just show the path to the wise.   One should understand what happens in one’s absence by r