
Showing posts from August, 2020

African Food and Art

Thank you to our latest donor, Esther. Thank you, Esther. We were able to purchase a new cutting board.

Percent of World Population Compared to Africa

African population increased by 645 million people in 40 years when the population was evaluated in 2015. From those calculations, interesting numbers emerged and the projections are for Africa to grow by 490 million people by 2030, 15 years, and increase by 1.4 billion by 2055 is on track. The World population is 7,677,179,190; Africa's population is 1,345,572,071 as of 2020. Asia is the most populous continent with about 60% of the world's population, China and India together account for over 35%. while Africa comes in second with over 15% of the earth's populace, and Europe has about 10%, North America 8%, South America almost 6%, and Oceania less than 1%. Ten largest urban areas in Africa are Cairo Egypt 20,485,000, Lagos Nigeria 13,904,000, Kinshasha Democratic Republic of the Congo 13,743,000, Luanda Angola 8,045,000, Dar Es Salaam Tanzania 6,368,000, Khartoum Sudan 5,678,000, Johannesburg South Africa 5,635,000, Alexandria Egypt 5,182,000, Abidjan Cot

Plantain Dumplings With Yam Vegetable Stew

Yam vegetable stew with plantain dumplings recipe local food name is Counin Zindo that is super simple to prepare by Burkinabé cooks. Plantain dumplings are a small amount of soft dough that is boiled in yam veggie stew. How do you make plantain dumplings from scratch, well its easy just drop plantain dough gently into a pot of simmering stew for about 20 minutes. The full recipe directions and ingredients are below. Ingredients for Yam Vegetable Stew. 2 yams cut into cubes 2 large onions, diced 2 large tomatoes, diced 1 small eggplant, peeled and diced 3 medium carrots, diced 2 medium white potatoes cut into cubes 1 medium sweet potato cut into cubes 1 hot pepper, chopped Salt to taste 4 cups water Directions for Yam Vegetable Stew. Add all ingredients to a large lidded pot simmer 10 minutes. Then follow the directions for plantain dumplings. Ingredients for Plantain Dumplings. 2 ¼ cups self-rising flour 2 large mashed ripe plantains 1 tablespoon ground parsley fla

What is a person from Africa called?

Clans and tribes means more than citizenship, nationality and land boarders throughout Africa. List of nationality names in Africa. One classic disastrous example of ethnic or tribal group identity displacing nationality is in East Africa.  Tutsi insurgents continue to fight waging guerrilla battles in Uganda, Rwanda and Burundi, the ethnic strife that sparked the slaughters in Rwanda and Burundi continue in the regions.  The Tutsis as cattle-herders were often in a position of economic dominance to the farming Hutus and in many areas, like Rwanda, the minority Tutsis ruled the Hutus, 84% of the total population. South Africa has one of the highest murder rates in the world and a history of xenophobic attacks by people who accuse citizens of other African countries , as well as Asian countries, of coming to steal their jobs.  The South African government does not collect data on attacks or threats against foreign nationals. About 70% of foreigners in South Africa come from neighborin

Boerewors Patty Sausage Sandwich

Homemade breakfast Boerewors sausage patties.  If you love the taste of Boerewors, a traditional South African sausage, but don't have the time or equipment to make it in links, you can try making these homemade breakfast Boerewors sausage patties instead.  They are easy to make and delicious to eat, with a blend of spices that give them a distinctive flavor. Boerewors means farmer's sausage in Afrikaans, and it is usually made with a combination of beef, pork, and sometimes lamb.  The meat is seasoned with coriander, cloves, allspice, vinegar, and other spices, and stuffed into casings. Boerewors is typically cooked over coals on a barbecue, or fried in a pan on the stove. It is often served in a bread roll with tomato and onion sauce, or with pap, stiff cornmeal porridge, and gravy. Boerewors Sausage Patty Sandwich To make Boerewors sausage patties, you will need the following ingredients: 1 pound of ground beef 1/4 pound of ground pork 2 teaspoons of salt 2 teaspoons of gr

Two bulls cannot stay in the same kraal

Two Bulls Can't Stay in the Same Kraal tells the folklore story from Ghana Africa of sibling rivalry and a hard-headed younger brother. Against the African folklife background many microcultures social identity becomes expressed in folklore history often compressed into one African culture and heritage.  The narrative of Africa's folklore traditions is tied into the magnificent historical emergence of many nations.    However, folklore from Africa has been central to folklife magnifying views of culture, views that mattered so much to a continent struggling with rapid changes twisted by large-scale wars, immigration, industrialization, and urbanization.  The African story is one of continual material and social progress, building families through cultural consensus with peoples accepting and embracing an African identity.    Archaeology collects and compares the material relics of old microcultures, the axes and arrowheads. There is a form of study, folklore, which collects

Do not invite evil to sit at your table then cry

The proverb is a reminder that we are not helpless victims of our circumstances. We have the power to choose our own company and our own path in life. African Elders will tell you do not invite evil to sit at your table then cry because your life is hard. The African proverb Do not invite evil to sit at your table then cry is a warning against the dangers of associating with negative people and behaviors. The proverb teaches that if we choose to surround ourselves with people who are negative, toxic, or destructive, we will eventually reap the consequences of those choices.  We can apply this proverb to many different areas of our lives. For example, if we choose to associate with people who are always complaining, we will likely start to complain more ourselves. If we choose to associate with people who are always gossiping, we will likely start to gossip more ourselves. And if we choose to associate with people who are always making bad decisions, we will likely start to make bad de

Africa COVID-19 Corruption and Deaths

In Africa the Covid-19 virus infected around 1 million people with 20,276 deaths in 47 countries many are embroiled in Covid-19 corruption scandals. As of August 19, 2020, there were 2,071 new Covid-19 related deaths, a 15% decrease that occurred in 33 countries, with 73% of the deaths in South Africa at 1,513, followed by Ethiopia with 132 deaths and Algeria with 57 deaths.   South Africa is the hardest hit country with Covid-19 on the African continent and is ranked fifth globally, although with relatively low numbers of deaths, 2.1% fatality ratio. Health worker infections continue to increase gradually with 38,382 or 4.2% infections reported in 42 African countries since the beginning of the Covid-19 outbreak. According to the WHO, These 10 countries collectively account for 88% of all reported Covid-19 cases. Covid-19 WHO Data as of August 19, 2020 table. African Country Reported confirmed Covid-19 cases South Africa

How big is the UN and what does it do in Africa?

The United Nations is a powerful worldwide organization and the most represented entity in the world. Nairobi Kenya is where the UN Headquarters in Africa is located. The two main offices of United Nations (UN) in Africa are in Nairobi, Kenya and Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. There are 17 specialized agencies through negotiated agreements that work on behalf of the UN and many other funds and programs throughout the continent of Africa working with the UN to carryout uphold international law, deliver humanitarian aid, protect human rights, promote sustainable development and maintain international peace and security. UN funds and programs are distinctly different from specialized agencies. Funds and programs are established by a resolution of the UN General Assembly and have a focused mandate. They are funded either mainly or entirely through voluntary contributions and have a governing body that reviews their activities. However, specialized agencies are legally independent of the Unite

Little eyes are watching Queenly behavior

African Queen mothers through African Proverbs have a powerful influence nurturing children for generations. Children need leading in the right direction and African Proverbs learned from our Queen mothers are the biggest influencers. Influence as a Queen mother is powerful so take these African Proverbs to heart and be purposeful but sensitive to your influence as a mother. Little eyes are watching Queenly behavior. Queen mothers in Africa are leaders and women of power from the far corners in every West African country. With the listening ear of millions Queen mothers have an amazing amount of power and influence in Africa and in countless African communities , Queen Mothers hold a special place. Queen Mothers influence African Proverbs. If better were within, better would come out. When one hits you with a stone, you do not hit others with a piece of cotton. Instruction in youth is like engraving in stone. In time, a mouse will gnaw through iron. More than one war ha