
Showing posts from November, 2020

African Food and Art

Thank you to our latest donor, Esther. Thank you, Esther. We were able to purchase a new cutting board.

Africa is Working for Free

Most value added manufacturing contracts have no monetary value to Africa and enables the keep Africa poor and backwards business model. Africa is blessed with natural resources, so what?  Manufacturing industries are used to measure growth and structure, if the cost of goods and materials is more than the cost of the final manufactured product then the product is of no value to Africa and it is giving away products for free. Africa is the richest continent on the planet remarkable for her rich soil, abundant land,  forests and trees , oil, minerals, precious stones and metals, water, and wildlife.  Yet Africa remains poor because of a lack of value added manufacturing sectors on the African continent. Africa has an average of 12.7 percent value-added manufacturing. Africa has an average 12.7 percent value-added manufacturing GDP; Algeria has the highest at 24.2% Sierra Leone 1.6% value added manufacturing. Algeria has the highest at 24.2 percent in 2

Where in Africa is the Desert?

African countries with deserts totals nineteen and there are nine hot dry deserts, semi-arid deserts, and coastal deserts in Africa named the Chalbi, Danakil, Guban, Sahara, Kalahari. Karoo, Namib, Nyiri deserts. Listing, description and location of nine African deserts and where does desertification occur in Africa with neighboring African countries. Africa has the largest hottest dry desert in the world, the Sahara Desert. The three main types of deserts in Africa include hot and dry deserts, semi-arid deserts, and coastal deserts. Most of the northern third of Africa is covered by the dry barren desert, the Sahara while much of the southern part of the African continent are dry deserts, coastal deserts and semi-deserts. There are nine deserts in Africa, they are the Chalbi Desert, Danakil Desert, Guban Desert, Kalahari Desert, Karoo Desert, Namib Desert, Nyiri Desert, and the Sahara Desert. African Desert Description. The Chalbi Desert is located entirely in northern Kenya. Dan

Powerful, one-eyed and body-positive Queens of Africa

Powerful Queen Shanakdakhete, one-eyed Queen Amanitore, and body-positive Queen Amanishakheto are three well-known women rulers of Africa's Kush and the Meroë Empires.  African Queen The Kingdom of Kush was an ancient kingdom in Nubia, now named Sudan, and just south of Egypt. Sudan has more than 350 pyramids, double the number found in Egypt, and many are dedicated to female rulers. Meroe thrived as the capital of Kush around 750 BCE to 350 CE and became renowned as a city of tremendous wealth. Located on the Nile in the region of modern-day Sudan, Meroe grew rich from trade and its ironworks and abundant grain supply ensured a steady production of goods others wanted and needed; but it was the monarchy, periodically controlled by women that established and maintained the trade that encouraged such affluence. The title Kentake or Kandake in the Meroitic language and means Queen Regent or Queen Mother or Royal Woman , this actually refers to an ancient African queen or group of an

Potatoes are grown in 37 African countries

Potatoes are grown in 37 African countries.  Egypt is Africa's number one potato producer and South Africa is sub-Saharan Africa largest potato producer. Potatoes grown in Africa soil. The potato is grown in more than 150 countries however, Egypt is Africa's number one potato producer and South Africa is sub-Saharan Africa's largest potato producer. In all African countries, potatoes are both a subsistence and commercial crop in Africa. As a commercial crop, more potatoes are processed to meet rising demand from the fast food, snack and convenience food industries. As a subsistence crop potatoes grown by farmers for consumption by themselves and their family, leaving little or nothing to be marketed. The potato, Solanum tuberosum, originated over 8,000 years ago near Lake Titicaca, which sits at 3,800 meters above sea level in the Andes mountain range of South America, on the border between Bolivia and Peru. Fro

Baked Black-Eyed Pea Casserole with Rice and Herbs

Mix cans of black-eyed peas herbs and shallots into a meatless vegetarian casserole dish creamy inside, crisp on top, casserole reheats beautifully. Our recipe for baked black-eyed pea casserole with herbs and shallots is where you open up a few cans of black-eyed peas, mix everything together. The casserole dish also has fresh flavors from fresh shallots, tomatoes and herbs. This is a meatless vegetarian dish gets finished off with a crunchy, butter-dotted crust of Parmesan and breadcrumbs. Baked black-eyed pea casserole is creamy inside, crisp on top and when you scoop up this casserole you see the pink shallots, the green flecks of herbs, and of course the golden creaminess of cheese and black-eyed peas. The casserole reheats beautifully and pairs with a fresh green salad. It is the ideal balance between hearty, comforting, wholesome, and light. The casserole can be prepared and assembled up to one day in advance, just cover and store in the refrigerator. When baked straight from

Make Yoruba Asun Peppery Goat

Asun is a stir fry recipe of peppered goat meat made in Nigeria using 20 ground hot peppers. Eat your Asun spicy goat with amala pounded plantain. The female goat is used in most recipes because the meat from female goats is tenderer. Goat meat is consumed widely throughout Nigeria. Goat meat is unique in flavor and palatability. It is leaner than many other red meats and usually less tender. If you add too much liquids your pan will cool down too fast and your goat will simmer and not fry and you need your goat meat to fry. To make a good Asun Spicy Goat stir-fry, you absolutely must have an extremely hot sauté pan or wok. Just keep in mind, goat meat should be served how you like your steak, rare, medium or well-done. Yoruba Amala is a starch dish typically made from yam or plantain flour. Eat your Asun spicy goat with Amala pounded plantain, it's easy to make but first lets make the Asun using the simple recipe below. Asun Peppery Goat Stir-Fry Ingredients 1 pound goat me

Jesus the Christ in Africa

The Christian religion in North Africa was one of the first Christian communities first arriving in the 1st century AD. In the 15th century, the Christian religion came to sub-Saharan Africa by Portuguese slave traders. The majority of Africans are Christians. Jesus in Africa means Christ, the Anointed One, Emmanuel, Savior, the Redeemer, Only Begotten Son, Lord, Son of God, Son of Man and Messiah, sacred titles for Africans to call upon God in the name of the Son for evermore. Top Ten Christian African Countries. Lesotho - Christianity 99% Sao Tome and Principe - Christianity 99% Rwanda - Christianity 98% Cabo Verde - Christianity 98% Zambia - Christianity 98% Zimbabwe - Christianity 97% Democratic Republic of the Congo - Christianity 95% Angola - Christianity 92% Gabon - Christianity 91% Eswatini - Christianity 90% Here is a percentage chart and explanation of the major African religions. Twenty-nine African countries are predominantly Christian . Thirteen are majority Islamic. One A