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Senegambia Graves and Stone Circles

 Senegambia Graves and Megalithic Stone Circles The Senegambia burial mounds stone circles are located between the River Gambia and the River Senegal in the Western African countries of Guinea, Senegal and The Gambia. The Senegambia stone circles are a setting for ceremony and rituals, grave markers, places of burial, and a sacred place of worship and mourning. Wassu in Guinea The Wassu and Kerbatch grave sites in The Gambia and Guinea and the Wanar and Sine Ngayene burial mounds in Senegal contain over 1,000 stone circles and ancient human burial mounds spaced over an area of 62 miles wide and 217 miles in length. In all, there are 1,102 carved stones on all the stone circles of Senegambia burial sites.  The Sine Ngayene grave complex of Senegal is the largest site with 52 circles of stones. The next largest is Senegal's Wanar grave complex with 21 circles of stones, third is the Wassu complex located in Guinea consists of 11 circles and lastly The Kerbatch com...

Arrest in Rwanda 100 Days of Genocide

Major Pierre Claver Karangwa, one of the executioners of the 100 day long Rwandan Genocide lived in the Netherlands for 26 years before his arrest​. Rwanda is the most densely populated country in mainland Africa with a population of 13 million living on 10,169 square miles of land; Rwanda is about the size of the US state of Maryland. The population is divided among ethnic lines with Hutu 85 percent, Tutsi 14 percent, and Twa 1 percent.  Major Pierre Claver Karangwa In 1959, three years before independence, the majority ethnic group, the Hutus, overthrew the ruling Tutsi king. Over the next several years thousands of Tutsis were killed, and some 150,000 driven into exile in neighboring countries. The children of these exiles later formed a rebel group, the Rwandan Patriotic Front and began a civil war in 1990. The mass killing of Rwanda’s Tutsi population was ignited on April 6, 1994, when a plane carrying the-then president, JuvĂ©nal Habyarimana, was shot down and crashed in Kigal...

African Studies

African Studies
African Culture and traditions