African Food and Art

Thank you to our latest donor, Esther. Thank you, Esther. We were able to purchase a new cutting board.

What Fear and Love Created

Humans were created during an intense struggle between Fear and Love this ancient African viral folktale.

Around cooking fires throughout Africa, a tale whispers through the winds of time speaking of the universe's birth, crafted by two mighty forces: Sethepo, the embodiment of Fear, and a celestial entity named Love.  

Love fear, Band-Aid

Love, with her luminous presence, wove dreams of light and warmth, her movements like a gentle breeze caressing the cosmos. 

She painted the skies with hues of dawn and dusk, her touch tender and nurturing. Her dance was a symphony of stars, a melody that resonated with the promise of life and beauty.

Sethepo, in stark contrast, was a formidable force, his essence a shadow that commanded respect and awe. His presence was the thunder that rumbled through the heavens, the storm that carved mountains and valleys. Fear's dominion was one of power and boundaries.

When Fear and Love clashed, the universe trembled with their intensity. The skies darkened as Sethepo’s formidable presence surged, casting shadows that swallowed the stars. Love, with her radiant light, pushed back, her warmth piercing through the darkness like a beacon of hope. 

Their clash was a cosmic storm, a dance of chaos and creation and from their clashes, the universe was born, a tapestry of light and shadow, of dreams and reality. 
Earth emerged from this cosmic embrace, a realm where all beings carried the pulse of both Fear and Love within their hearts. 

Mountains rose and crumbled, oceans roared and calmed, and the very fabric of reality seemed to stretch and contract. The beings of Earth felt the turmoil within their hearts, a tempest of emotions that mirrored the celestial battle.

This delicate balance was vital; Love's gentle touch tempered Fear's dominance, ensuring it did not consume. Meanwhile, Fear's stern gaze reminded Love of the importance of limits and respect. 

Together, they maintained the harmony of the universe, a dance of light and shadow, of dreams and reality. One could never overpower the other, for they were the essence of all life, the heartbeat of existence itself.


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